Friday, November 14, 2008

My Lone Reader

I'm still in the hospital. I spent about an hour drumming my fingers until it got boring (when my roommate wasn't screaming, that is).

I figured I'd take the time to say hi to all one of my readers.


My reader seems to want me to diagnose her because she calls herself Diagnose Rachel. First, a disclaimer. I am not a doctor. Now for some exciting guesses.

Having not even heard the symptoms, my educated guess is that she has meniere's disease, salmonella, and a nasty case of bacterial vaginosis. Now take two of these and call me in the morning.

That's Prozac. It works for pretty much everything, except for Worst Mother in the World Syndrome (my mother).
My roommate has overactive bladder and now that she's done hogging the bathroom, I'm going to call my nurse in hopes that someone will drag my legless body to the toilet. I should be getting some new legs soon, but I'm going to fake as many ailments as I can so I won't have to go home anytime soon. As much as I hate my roommate, she hasn't tried to kill me even once.


Grant said...

Hi blogger. It's me, you're only reader that hasn't tried to kill you yet. I loved your blog. Until I moved into the room next to you. What's up with all the screaming in your sleep?

Sarah said...

That's just me dreaming about my mother (the worst mother in the world), my offspring, and the sound of my flesh cooking in the waffle iron.