Saturday, January 10, 2009

Catching Up

There's something about having no legs, burned/mangled hands,the hungriest breastfeeding offspring ever,horrible husband, and hideous hair I can't do a thing with that makes it really difficult to blog.

To sum up the rest of the 12 days of Christmas:

7th day

Kazoo/harmonica/drum/xylophone/bagpipe concert courtesy of offspring #7 and all her friends

8th day

Coupons for Curves (Hmmm ..... Couldn't be someone helped him with that one) and a tour of their facilities.

9th day

"Breakfast" in bed (what the heck was that?)

10th day

Played Candyland 10 times with all the double cards and candy cards missing.

11th day

Offspring #11 made me some fingerpainting art with pudding. Only that wasn't pudding. It was a picture of me crying during the waffle iron incident.

12th day

He gave me a bottle of Rogaine and stretch mark cream.

New Year's was special too. More later. Offspring #13 hasn't eaten in almost 5 minutes.

1 comment:

Diagnose Rachel said...

Um....13? nursing? aren't you on drugs for the post surgery/hospital stuff?
WHY DIDN"T YOU KICK THAT LOSER OUT>...oh yeah, You don't have legs to kick.
Congrats on getting thru the fasted pregnancy ever with loser boy.
Tell me about your mother in law.